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  • Writer's pictureÁngel Vázquez

The Inspiration for "Refugee: Searching for Hope"

As a designer and as a person, I was looking for themes that would inspire and move me in some way. One afternoon I was looking for inspiration, and this found me, a commercial about refugee children.

I did some research on the subject and had a few talks with people who knew refugees or were refugees at some point in their lives.

I recognized that this topic was not very present in the game industry, and I wanted to make it happen! I started to create something that would make players feel the stress and despair that refugees and volunteers feel every day of their lives, in a short and cozy game.

I hope this project is a good way to start a conversation with family and friends; about people who need our help, and that we are so lucky to be safe and alive.

Perhaps a person inspired by this game will try to help another person someday...somewhere.

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